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Ninjago Abilities Upgrade

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Well, these are abilities I was supposed to add them two weeks ago, but I was waiting until they were completed a Conceptual Manipulation, which Minaaaa explained, and now I will add a number of abilities for Ninja and some Ninjago characters.

Kai: Explosion Manipulation (Fier elemental she can blow things up), Heat Manipulation & Magma Manipulation (It can melt metals by liquefying them with heat) Light Manipulation (can glow in black conditions) Power Absorption with The Staff of Elements (It can absorb Elemental Powers, and it is also similar to Amber Elemental, which can also absorb power).

Jay: Electricity Absorption He can absorb a electrical
Cole: Resistance to Existence Erasure (He not affected by The Mega Weapon, who he can erased a person from existence when constipation the Golden Weapons are together, and even in The Mega Weapon when someone from Pirates of the Destiny's Bounty tried to constipation the Mega Weapon while with Lord Garmadon's, and The pirate was erased from existence)
Sora: Resistance to Power Absorption (It is not affected by Chronosteel, which absorb powers)

The Golden Weapons: Space-Time Manipulation, Dimensional Travel & Portal Creation (create a vortex through space and time and portal to travel across realms)
Lloyd Garmadon: Elemental Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Lightning Manipulation, Light Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation (in Post-Awakening Lloyd; He can control four elements of creation, namely fire, ice, earth and lightning he did not abandon it in Post-Power Drain, as it was mentioned that it is an energy elemental that uses fire, ice, earth and lightning to form an energy, and he can tap into the energy of the elements, this gives it the ability to use it. Also Lloyd can make electricity, fire and light)
Matter Manipulation
Well, I will speak with a logic that the Energy Elemental user should have the ability to convert Matter to Energy because fire, ice, and earth is matter and they can be converted to Energy

Conceptual Manipulation
First Spinjitzu Master's represents the light, and he it is part of Balance, like The Overlord (this also give FSM Abstract Existence Type 1)

and as we have explained, Balance is multiversal concept that affects and shapes all of the Realms and exists independently from reality actually

and Wu describes The Balance as being the nature of the universe, that Light and Dark must constantly be in balance and that FSM and USM can destroyed the balance like The Overlord, USM he destroyed the physical form of The Overlord


which is part of Balance and is the embodiment of Darkness and Evil, also source of evil, and he represents darkness






so since The Overlord is the embodiment of darkness, FSM must be embodiment of light, and as we know, USM and FSM have the same abilities and powers


and in The Overlord and FSM fight is mentioned that this fight was affecting Balance

meaning that both FSM and The Overlord affect Balance. So this prove USM and FSM have Concept Manip

FSM, Wu and Garmadon: possibly Acausality (Type 4)
immune to Fate Manipulation and he is unaffected by Cloud Kingdom

who can write the fate of people like Lloyd


Size Manipulation
& Large Size (Type 1) (he can change his shape, become a building size and increase his size)
Limited Ice Manipulation (Nya and other Master of Water can manipulate ice)
Immortality (Type 1, 4 and 8) (A user, after merging with water, can enjoy eternal Immortality, also when she dies, she can reshapes herself again)
Skylor: Power Absorption (Amber elemental works to absorb power like The Staff of Elements, as it is said that The Staff of Elements is eerily similar to Amber elemental)
Agree: @Baabasaplar95 @Lloydblitzed @TheOrangeGuy09 @Fanswar12 @Minaaaa (neutral on MM and CM) @Wokistan @Deagonx @LifeRiderthe1 (Disagree an CM) @DarkDragonMedeus
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Very iffy on the Resistance to Power Absorption to Sora, because you can use Elemental Powers on the stone/steel that block/steal Elemental Powerlike how Ray and Maya made Time Blades but did not get powers stolen. Also Cole says to be careful before her using powers, so it seems that EM should just concentrate for that.
Neutral on Matter Manip because idk if that’s how it really works. But you could also add Social Influencing for him being a good leader (and also encouraging the whole Ninjago City by words in S9).
Ice Manipulation for Nya should be limited.
MWS Nya’s Immortality seems more like Type 4 or Type 8, not Type 5. But Type 1 is good.
No, we clearly know it is Power Mimicry from what we saw in the show, this is why it is similar to Staff of Elements. On the other hand, you could mention that she can copy non-elemental powers such as Destruction.
Very iffy on the Resistance to Power Absorption to Sora, because you can use Elemental Powers on the stone/steel that block/steal Elemental Powerlike how Ray and Maya made Time Blades but did not get powers stolen. Also Cole says to be careful before her using powers, so it seems that EM should just concentrate for that.
Ok, this like a good response
Neutral on Matter Manip because idk if that’s how it really works. But you could also add Social Influencing for him being a good leader (and also encouraging the whole Ninjago City by words in S9).
Converting matter into energy is considered matter manip

Ice Manipulation for Nya should be limited.
No, because Nya was able to control ice, but she is not to that level because her level in manipulating ice is not the same as Zane's level, also she can control ice perfectly because she has great experience in Water Manipulation, as the book says, so she have Ice Manipulation, but not a limited.
No, we clearly know it is Power Mimicry from what we saw in the show, this is why it is similar to Staff of Elements. On the other hand, you could mention that she can copy non-elemental powers such as Destruction.
No, this is not true because Amber has two abilities, which are Power Mimicry and Power Absorption. It is also mentioned that Skylor uses copy a elements more than absorbing them.
Ok, this like a good response

Converting matter into energy is considered matter manip
Okay then it looks fine.
No, because Nya was able to control ice, but she is not to that level because her level in manipulating ice is not the same as Zane's level, also she can control ice perfectly because she has great experience in Water Manipulation, as the book says, so she have Ice Manipulation, but not a limited.
In the same season, we know she has a very big trouble with that. There is a reason why Zane is master of Ice and Nya is master of Water. She CAN control Ice, but not to the extent that Zane does. She also can't just create it out of thin air but needs to take time to control already existing ice, meanwhile Zane has no problem doing all of the above.
No, this is not true because Amber has two abilities, which are Power Mimicry and Power Absorption. It is also mentioned that Skylor uses copy a elements more than absorbing them.
The scan you sent says that she copies elements and not steals them. She never displayed stealing in the series, although it logically would benefit her way more. It's simply Power Mimicry.
Okay then it looks fine.

In the same season, we know she has a very big trouble with that. There is a reason why Zane is master of Ice and Nya is master of Water. She CAN control Ice, but not to the extent that Zane does. She also can't just create it out of thin air but needs to take time to control already existing ice, meanwhile Zane has no problem doing all of the above.

The scan you sent says that she copies elements and not steals them. She never displayed stealing in the series, although it logically would benefit her way more. It's simply Power Mimicry.
Okay then it looks fine.
Nah, ini adalah kemampuan yang seharusnya saya tambahkan dua minggu lalu, tapi saya menunggu sampai mereka menyelesaikan Manipulasi Konseptual , yang Minaaaa jelaskan, dan sekarang saya akan menambahkan sejumlah kemampuan untuk Ninja dan beberapa karakter Ninjago.

Kai : Manipulasi Ledakan (Elemen api yang bisa meledakkan sesuatu ), Manipulasi Panas & Manipulasi Magma (Dapat melelehkan logam dengan cara mencairkannya dengan panas) Manipulasi Cahaya (dapat bersinar dalam kondisi hitam) Penyerapan Kekuatan dengan Staf Elemen ( Dapat menyerap Elemental Powers, dan juga mirip dengan Elemental Amber, yang juga dapat menyerap kekuatan ).

Jay: Penyerapan Listrik Dia bisa menyerap listrik

Cole: Resistance to Existence Erasure ( Dia tidak terpengaruh oleh The Mega Weapon , yang dia dapat menghapus seseorang dari keberadaan ketika sembelit Golden Weapons bersama-sama , dan bahkan di The Mega Weapon ketika seseorang dari Pirates of the Destiny's Bounty mencoba untuk mengsembelih Mega Senjata saat bersama Lord Garmadon, dan bajak laut itu terhapus dari keberadaannya )
Sora: Ketahanan terhadap Penyerapan Daya (Tidak terpengaruh oleh Chronosteel , yang menyerap kekuatan )

Senjata Emas: Manipulasi Ruang-Waktu, Perjalanan Dimensi & Penciptaan Portal ( membuat pusaran melalui ruang dan waktu dan portal untuk melakukan perjalanan melintasi alam )
Lloyd Garmadon: Manipulasi Elemen, Manipulasi Api, Manipulasi Es, Manipulasi Bumi, Manipulasi Petir, Manipulasi Cahaya dan Manipulasi Listrik (dalam Pasca Kebangkitan Lloyd; Dia dapat mengendalikan empat elemen ciptaan yaitu api, es, tanah dan petir yang tidak dia tinggalkan itu di Post-Power Drain, seperti disebutkan bahwa itu adalah elemen energi yang menggunakan api, es, tanah, dan petir untuk membentuk energi, dan dia dapat memanfaatkan energi elemen tersebut, ini memberinya kemampuan untuk menggunakannya. . Lloyd juga bisa membuat listrik , api, dan cahaya )
Manipulasi Materi
Baiklah, saya akan berbicara dengan logika bahwa pengguna Elemen Energi harus memiliki kemampuan untuk mengubah Materi menjadi Energi karena api , es , dan tanah adalah materi dan dapat diubah menjadi Energi.


Manipulasi Konseptual
Spinjitzu Master pertama mewakili cahaya, dan dia adalah bagian dari Balance, seperti The Overlord (ini juga memberikan FSM Abstrak Existence Type 1 )


dan seperti yang telah kami jelaskan, Keseimbangan adalah konsep multiversal yang mempengaruhi dan membentuk seluruh Alam dan ada secara independen dari kenyataan sebenarnya

dan Wu menggambarkan The Balance sebagai sifat alam semesta, bahwa Terang dan Gelap harus selalu seimbang dan bahwa FSM dan USM dapat menghancurkan keseimbangan seperti The Overlord, USM dia menghancurkan bentuk fisik The Overlord

yang merupakan bagian dari Keseimbangan dan merupakan perwujudan Kegelapan dan Kejahatan , juga sumber kejahatan, dan dia mewakili kegelapan






jadi karena The Overlord adalah perwujudan kegelapan, maka FSM harus merupakan perwujudan cahaya, dan seperti yang kita tahu, USM dan FSM mempunyai kemampuan dan kekuatan yang sama.


dan dalam pertarungan The Overlord dan FSM disebutkan bahwa pertarungan ini mempengaruhi Balance

artinya FSM dan The Overlord mempengaruhi Balance. Jadi ini membuktikan USM dan FSM punya Manip Konsep
FSM, Wu dan Garmadon: kemungkinan Akausalitas (Tipe 4)
kebal terhadap Manipulasi Nasib dan dia tidak terpengaruh oleh Cloud Kingdom

siapa yang bisa menulis nasib orang seperti Lloyd



Manipulasi Ukuran
& Ukuran Besar (Tipe 1) ( dia dapat mengubah bentuknya, menjadi ukuran bangunan dan memperbesar ukurannya )
Manipulasi Es Terbatas (Nya dan Master Air lainnya dapat memanipulasi es )
Keabadian (Tipe 1, 4 dan 8) (Seorang pengguna, setelah menyatu dengan air, dapat menikmati Keabadian abadi , juga ketika dia mati , dia dapat membentuk kembali dirinya sendiri lagi )
Skylor: Power Absorpsi ( Elemen Amber bekerja untuk menyerap kekuatan seperti The Staff of Elements, karena dikatakan bahwa The Staff of Elements sangat mirip dengan Elemental Amber )
Setuju: @Baabasaplar95 @Lloydblitzed @TheOrangeGuy09
Tidak setuju:

disagree with resistance to ee,with the rest I agree
Thumbnail your images in the future, it's better for readability and storage.

Not really seeing concept manip. You've established this idea of an abstract balance which ensures that the Overlord and First Spinjitzu master won't ever be fully gone, but what's posted here doesn't really seem to establish this balance as a specific concept being altered/isn't the clearest on this subject. You may be making the mistake of writing exclusively for an audience who already has some familiarity with Ninjago, your ideas are going to need to be understandable to those outside that bubble. Maybe there's something there, but as it's currently formatted I don't see it. Abstract existence 2 is fine though.

Everything else that's not crossed out seems fine, though I would hope that this is going to use better grammar and is going to be formatted better on the pages themselves.
Not really seeing concept manip. You've established this idea of an abstract balance which ensures that the Overlord and First Spinjitzu master won't ever be fully gone, but what's posted here doesn't really seem to establish this balance as a specific concept being altered/isn't the clearest on this subject. You may be making the mistake of writing exclusively for an audience who already has some familiarity with Ninjago, your ideas are going to need to be understandable to those outside that bubble. Maybe there's something there, but as it's currently formatted I don't see it.
Imma answer to this with the CM type 1 previous arguments:

Light and Dark in the verse act as a duality to eachother as The Overlord says "'Where there is light, there will always be shadow". this is what is known as 'The Balance' in the show. The shifting of The Balance causes something, as Wu put it, fundamentally wrong to the universe. Clouse shifting The Balance to darkness poses a threat to the universe and even the multiverse itself, causing The Balance between the two to be destroyed. Wu describes The Balance as being the nature of the universe, that Light and Dark must constantly be in balance and that darkness can never be fully destroyed. In Conclusion, The Balance is a concept in which Light and Dark are always in balance and are fundamental to the universe and the overall multiverse, shifting The Balance could cause the total destruction of all the realms, The Overlord should get Conceptual Manipulation due to being able to permanently destroy The Balance.
So it should look somthing like this
I was called here specifically with regard to the concept manip aspect.

I am not especially persuaded by the scans, personally. Remember that a concept is the very abstract idea of a thing itself. The impression I get from the scans provided are more like light and darkness are magical forces of the universe. Fundamental and primordial ones, but not abstract ones. There is surely a "concept of darkness" in general, there is a concept of anything, but that doesn't appear to be how its being used.
I was called here specifically with regard to the concept manip aspect.

I am not especially persuaded by the scans, personally. Remember that a concept is the very abstract idea of a thing itself. The impression I get from the scans provided are more like light and darkness are magical forces of the universe. Fundamental and primordial ones, but not abstract ones. There is surely a "concept of darkness" in general, there is a concept of anything, but that doesn't appear to be how its being used.
Im not sure to understand by "Fundamental and primordial ones, but not abstract ones" , but...

Overlord was said to be the source of evil and even to be evil itself


Additionally, its implied he exists on a completly different plane then the humans one

The same would apply to FSM as he exists as the opposite version of Overlord

This would fit this:
1. Independent Universal Concepts: Such concepts are completely independent from the part of reality they govern, except maybe of other concepts of this nature

Additionally, without Overlord (in other words, without evil itself), the Balance will be obliderated

As explained earlier, the Balance is directly linked to the whole Multiverse itself (the Realms). They cannot exist without it.
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I was called here specifically with regard to the concept manip aspect.

I am not especially persuaded by the scans, personally. Remember that a concept is the very abstract idea of a thing itself. The impression I get from the scans provided are more like light and darkness are magical forces of the universe. Fundamental and primordial ones, but not abstract ones. There is surely a "concept of darkness" in general, there is a concept of anything, but that doesn't appear to be how its being used.
I agree this means abstraction more then conceptual. Pretty sure it means Abstract idea more then conceptual. he represents the force of evil but the overlord is the representation of all evil in ninjago as it implies bu the scan. So this would be Ae type 1 pretty sure? though not sure how this wiki works with ae and conceptual mani but he just represents evil in the abstract sense.

overlord doesn't exist in the Universe he exist in the void thats outside all the realms.

A force in the universe i will spoil tag this
rontu and egalt explaining how Motion works motion is the flow and force of the Universe, everything has motion in the Universe

The above is a force in the Universe. The overlords avatars are like evil comming down from another dimension thats outside the other realms as a avatar he represents evil but not the concept of evil in the sense =
I agree this means abstraction more then conceptual. Pretty sure it means Abstract idea more then conceptual. he represents the force of evil but the overlord is the representation of all evil in ninjago as it implies bu the scan. So this would be Ae type 1 pretty sure? though not sure how this wiki works with ae and conceptual mani but he just represents evil in the abstract sense.

overlord doesn't exist in the Universe he exist in the void thats outside all the realms.

A force in the universe i will spoil tag this
rontu and egalt explaining how Motion works motion is the flow and force of the Universe, everything has motion in the Universe

The above is a force in the Universe. The overlords avatars are like evil comming down from another dimension thats outside the other realms as a avatar he represents evil but not the concept of evil in the sense =
At this point, I think we should drop the CM part and apply the rest, since most mod disagree with that point
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