Hi. These threads need some input from lookism supporters. Wanna join in?

Suhyeon Kim Profile Revision
As you would know, Suhyeon's current profile is outdated with multiple skills missing, so I made a new one. Notable Changes: Removed the 9-C key and changed it to only two keys, Pre-timeskip(Pre Glow up) and Post-timeskip(Post Glow up). The post-timeskip key is 9-B, likely 9-A. (Based on the...

Eunjang's White Mamba vs V-Hit
Gray Yeon vs Hobin Yoo Rules: Speed is equalised. Starting Distance: 5 meters Location: Empty Warehouse 24 prep time. Both characters had prior knowledge. Gray's equipment: Bulletproof Vest, Plastered Gloves, Steel Tip Boots, Greased up Jacket, Pocket Change, Pen Hobin's equipment: Waterhose...